Allergies in the Little Ones

If you have a tiny tot at home and if he or she is continuously sneezing, remember that it may not be just a cold. Sneezing is often a common symptom of an allergy in toddlers. Do not get surprised if your doctor tells you that your toddler has an allergy because allergies in toddlers are very common.

Pollen allergies are the most common in tiny tots. Such allergies are usually chronic and incurable until winter rolls around. Other than pollen, dust which is freely floating around in air is also a common cause of allergies in toddlers as the average home is never purely dust free. Asthma may be caused by such airborne allergens. Also, toddlers may have a tendency to inherit allergies especially if their parents have a history of family allergies. Without proper medical diagnosis, it would be impossible for you to figure out which allergen is responsible for your toddler’s allergies.

As a parent of a toddler, figure out whether you have any allergies. If you do, your toddler is likely to follow in your footsteps. Allergies seem to develop from exposure to allergens during times when the body’s defenses are extremely weak.

While allergens are the external cause of allergies, the internal cause of the reaction is the immune system. The immune system’s role is to fight anything which invades the body. In the case of an allergic reaction, the immune system is actually setting of a false alarm.

Allergies in toddlers can be of high severity. Many a time children end up with asthma because of allergies. Allergens can cause a fit of coughing, wheezing and even unexpected shortness of breath. This is a direct result of the inflammation of the lungs caused by breathing in allergens. The lungs produce excessive amounts of mucus and the lining of the lungs start to swell.

Having a toddler with allergies can provide you with plenty of trips to hospitals with asthma attacks and puffy eyes and swollen throats and even rashes. As a parent, always remember what your toddler is allergic to. Medicines should always be available on hand. Visit an allergy specialist regularly to ensure that your doctor has the best treatment always.

Other ways by which you can prevent toddler allergies is by keeping pets away from their play area. Pet dander can greatly contribute to allergies. Toddlers with food allergies should have their diet adjusted according to allergens. Also keep your little one’s bedroom dust free by washing rugs and bed sheets at least once a week so as to keep mites away.

Toddler allergies may be very emotionally demanding for both your child and yourself; be attentive at all times to make sure that your tiny tot’s allergies do not take the best of you or your child.

Rebecca R. Ammons

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