Benefits of Ginger

Ginger is one of the types of spices that often we encounter daily in our kitchen. This spice comes from Southeast Asia known as the fragrant rhizome and has a spicy taste. From the type and size, ginger divided into 3 types, namely Elephant Ginger, a small ginger (Emprit), and red ginger (Sunti). Of the three types of ginger, which is often used as a medicine is a red ginger because more volatile oils content. Since the first ripang ginger is used as traditional medicines, or herbs, aroma and taste of the giver of bread, cakes, biscuits, confectionery, and various beverages.

Ripang ginger contains phenolic compounds consisting of sesquiterpene compounds, Zingiberen, Zingerbon, oleoresin, Kamfena, limonene, Borneol, Sineol, Sitral, Zingiberal, Felandren. In addition there are also starch, dammar, and organic acids such as Malic Acid and Oxalic Acid, Vitamin A, B, and C, and the compounds flavonoids and Polyphenols. Oloeresin content and ginger, among others Gingerol Shogaol have a higher antioxidant activity than the antioxidant activity of vitamin E. The main bioactive components in ginger, namely Gingerol, a heat resistant compound that ginger can be processed into many kinds of products.

According to research at the University of Minnesota, U.S., concluded that ginger could slow the growth of cancer cells or reduce the size of pre-existing tumors. These properties of the active ingredients found in it. In addition ginger can also be used to maintain digestive health, 1 gram of ginger powder or 1 teaspoon fresh ginger brewed in a glass of water for 15 minutes, then drink before or after meals.

Rebecca R. Ammons

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Wed Jul 19 , 2023
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